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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Functional Medicine?
    • If you have a leaky faucet, allopathic medicine will bring in a mop. Then that mop gets dirty and causes problems, so you bring in another mop, and another mop. We will work on finding the cause of the leak! We consider the full range of health including physical, mental, emotional symptoms, and help you make sustainable positive lifestyle changes. You are not just a number or a chart. We understand that you have thoughts and feelings, and that you know yourself better than we know you!
  • Do you take insurance?
    • Insurance simply does not cover our services. We spend time with you (way more than 7 minutes!) and you will feel heard We understand this is frustrating and disappointing if you are paying for insurance. It’s great for acute care or emergencies, but for the chronic conditions that are killing us – insurance simply gets in the way and often makes things worse. 
    • The fact is, your insurance company does not care how sick you are or how crummy or lousy or “off” you feel. They will not listen to you or hear your true concerns, or care how much treatment you really need to get better. The good news is, WE DO!
    • We focus on finding the cause, and improving your symptoms, not masking them. This takes time and dedication, and insurance will not cover it.
    • Insurance can be great for emergency and acute care. For those who want true health care and a higher quality of life, insurance won’t help. This is frustrating for us too. Hopefully there will be changes in the near future, because we all want them.


  • How is your approach different than the “standard of care” or a conventional medicine approach?
    • During your first visit, you can expect a detailed conversation regarding your current and past state of health, family history, diet, lifestyle habits, etc. The key to our integrative approach is treating each person as an individual and getting to the root cause of health problems. Your provider will also perform a complete physical exam and discuss with you potential approaches and recommended laboratory workups. This visit will last approximately 90-120 minutes. We may make some simple recommendations at this time, but most advice will be deferred until after lab results are in and there has been time to thoughtfully consider your case. There are many facets to what we embrace as health. It takes time to work on them all and achieve balance!

    • We spend a lot of time outside of the office visits reviewing your lab results, your symptoms, questionnaires,  notes we took during your visit, and studying YOU. It’s important that you feel valued and heard. We don’t want you to feel like you are visiting a factory and you are just another body to push through. We also expect you to invest in your health, because you deserve it! We want you to feel great, and to experience happiness and joy in your life. You will be held accountable and be supported along the way as you journey toward greater health.

    • The second visit is scheduled 3-5 weeks after your initial consultation. It is at that time that we will discuss the review of findings. This includes what may be contributing to your health problems/symptoms, and what supplementation (vitamins, minerals, herbs), diet, and lifestyle changes may be needed, as well as any or other hormones or medications that may be appropriate for your care. Follow-up visits are usually scheduled every  4–8  to evaluate progress and make any adjustments in your treatment.
    • How often you see us after that will depend on why you are being treated. Minimally, if hormones are being prescribed, we need to see you every 3 months (usually 30 min visits). Many people who have multiple concerns are seen more often based on the severity of their condition.
    • Most people get to “maintenance mode” within the first 6-12 months, and many start to feel relief from symptoms within the first month.
  • How Much are the Programs?
    • The cost for the initial consultation is $375. During this visit, you will have one full hour to discuss your health and struggles with one of our practitioners. You will feel heard and validated – your symptoms are REAL, and we want to know all about them. We talk about poop, sex, stress, and all the things!
    • Our programs are designed to last one year. The cost of an initial program ranges from $2,500 – $6,500 with different payment options. The initial program includes comprehensive blood testing; and some also include functional tests such as a comprehensive digestive stool analysis. Additionally, the program includes regular visits with our hormone expert and/or gut health/autoimmune expert, as well as a Body Composition Analysis.
    • After your initial program, the cost is typically less because you won’t need as many visits. After your initial program, we expect your hormones to be optimized, symptoms under control and you are feeling good. We have options for membership programs, which include the cost of hormones in a monthly or annual payment plan.
  • What About Lab Testing?
    • Based on our discussion during your initial consultation and a review of your intake and questionnaires we will decide on which functional test(s) and/or blood work may be most beneficial for you. The tests help us gain a better understanding of your hormone function, digestive system and gut/ infections, nutrition and genetics, methylation, and/or a metabolic snapshot of your overall health. 
  • If I have a question, do I have to make an appointment?
    • We are happy to answer questions through the patient portal; however, for something that requires an extensive answer or if our Medical Assistant cannot answer it, we may ask you to schedule an in-person or phone appointment. If you are seeing our Nutritionist, you will have direct access to send her a message.
  • What is a Nurse Practitioner (NP)?
    • NPs focus on health education and health literacy. As advanced-practice nurses, they bring that to the next level, partnering with the patient to set realistic expectations and taking a holistic approach… read more
  • Do you offer primary care services?
    • Fit Logic Functional Medicine, PLLC is a primary prevention clinic. We ask that you have a separate primary care provider for screenings such as gynecological exams, prostate exams, mammograms, etc.. If you would like recommendations, we are happy to help.