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Does this sound like you?

“What if I’m new to fitness?” or “I’m not in shape for a class like this”

Great! If you’re new to fitness training then you won’t have to break old habits. And our Fit Logic Bootcamp will get you in shape! Isn’t that what you want?

It’s completely normal for anyone to feel a little bit nervous and uncoordinated the first time they attend a fitness class. But after only two weeks, you will feel comfortable with the exercises and you’ll already be feeling better about your health. These workouts are not supposed to be easy, or they wouldn’t work. You will get out what you put in. But each exercise is completely modifiable and you work at your level.

There is no choreography to keep up with. You do the exercise for a few seconds, and you rest. And when it’s over, you feel an incredible sense of accomplishment!

Senior couple jogging

Understanding Fit Logic Bootcamp

Our fitness program is designed around the entire spectrum of what it means to be healthy. It’s grounded in evidence-based research that shows what really works.

What are the workouts like?

  • Short! 30 minutes or less of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Highly effective (science proves it!)
  • Whole body workouts
  • Realistic for your fitness ability
  • Exercise modifications are included for every level of fitness – from beginner to advanced
  • Small group setting
  • Movements are functional and powerful – not choreographed

Why is HIIT more effective than moderate intensity continuous exercise?

  • Keeps your resting metabolic rate elevated for up to 24 hours afterwards, increasing fat-burning potential
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Increases your cardio-respiratory fitness more, which decreases risk factors for heart disease and diabetes (many research studies have shown this!)